Need marketing literature that identifies specifically how Custom Alarming works?
Unfortunately no such document exists. However there is information in Tracker PC Software "Help" that breaks down this information fairly well.
Customer alarming in BMTK Tracker can be set up for any system property.
Here is the Help Section of Tracer PC Software describing how a Customer Alarm is set up:
Create a custom alarm
The following procedure enables you to create a custom alarm.
At the Setup menu, click Custom Alarming. The Custom Alarms dialog displays.
Click the New button. The Custom Alarms pane displays.
Click the Setup tab. The Custom Alarms, Setup tab displays.
At Custom Alarm Name, type the name of the new alarm.
Click the TARGET PROPERTY SELECTION, Select button. The Object & Property Selector dialog displays.
Click the property to reference.
Click the OK button. The Object & Property Selector dialog closes and a confirmation dialog displays.
Click the OK button. The confirmation dialog closes.
At Alarm Priority Class, set the priority of the new alarm.
At Time Delay (min.), type the number of minutes (1 to 60) that the alarm must remain active before it is dialed out.
At Alarm Trigger Condition, select the value of the point that will trigger the alarm. The options depend on the property selected. Examples are Open or Closed, On or Off, and Up or Down.
Note: If an analog property was selected at step 6, the Alarm Trigger Condition field displays as Alarm During Occupied Hours. Select Yes to activate the alarm only during occupied hours and and No to activate the alarm any time the alarm conditions are met.
Press Save.
At the toolbar, click the Home icon. The Home pane displays
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- Need marketing literature that identifies specifically how Customer Alarming works?
- Tracker BMTK
Original wave: wave17107
Document Identifier: DOC-88198
Document Identifier: 88198