Parts ID Standard Process: Follow the process until part(s) are identified
- The equipment service parts breakdown can be found in the parts list in WebCATS or Parts & Supplies on Citrix and now on and the Trane 360 mobile app.
- Secondly, the Parts ID Database (also on Citrix) can be searched for previous solutions. This will answer roughly 25% of requests that were not in the parts lists.
- Contact your local Parts & Supplies sales team. They have many tools to locally identify parts.
- Parts Associates: submit a MyPartsRequest to the Parts ID team to identify the parts.
- This also is the best way to request part identification assistance http://mypartsrequest/http://mypartsrequest/
- Submit a request through Zendesk at
- Emergencies: Contact Parts ID at 1-800-786-6502 with the MyParts Request ticket number and request it be escalated.