UC400 fan coil, blower coil or unit ventilator fan will not run. Getting message: ECM Address 99 comm down or
update exceeds communication loss time
Verify Polarity is correct between UC400/Symbio 210 IMC +/- and ECM Engine module. J11-3 is +, J11-4
is -. Verify nothing else is plugged into the IMC connections on the UC400 or UC400-B board. (check
flat 4 pin and screw terminals at J13 on UC400-B)
Go to the expansion module status group on the TU Controller Status page. Click on the discover button. If comm status does not go to comm up, a Softset ID button may appear on the RH side of screen.
Click the button. You are prompted to press the service pin. The service pin is on the ECM engine module, and marked+. Press the button, then click OK.
The light on the ECM module should come on. Follow prompts, then press discover button.
ECM status should be comm up with no errors.
The screen capture below is from the Help file in Tracer TU on setting the IMC address of an ECM Module:
ECM module is not communicating with UC400 or Symbio 210. IMC comm down. Unable to Softset ID 2
If IMC communications are down to the ECM engine module, and the Softset button does not appear on the
Controller Status page, unplug the IMC +/- connections at the UC400. Then power down the unit, including
USB connection, so neither the ECM board or UC400 are powered. Plug IMC +/- connection back into UC400.
Apply power. Open TU. Navigate to Controller Status page. Softset button should be present. Follow
instructions above to complete softset process. If softset button does not appear after this procedure, check
IMC wiring between UC400 and ECM engine module. Polarity may be reversed. If wiring is good, the problem
is likely a failed ECM engine module. Test with known good board if available.