Not reaching maximum RPM setting
Use guide for proper air flow, RPM and AMP draw stabilization for UC400 or Symbio 400 controllers
- Command high speed on.
- Go to Commission mode and ramp the fan to 100%.
Find ECM board in the control box (Blue display board)
- Find AHM1 setting on the sticker.
- Verify that high speed or 100% RPM is NOT being met. (AHM1 setting). If it is, you have another issue.
- Example: High speed setting is 1000, MTR1 scrolls to “MTR1 950, MTR1 956, MTR1 961, MTR1 959”.
- Record MTR 1 actual RPM value as the ECM board displays status (scrolling value).
- Take out of commission mode.
- Turn EHPT off in the ECM board.
- Calculate new high speed value. In this example set new MTR1 value for 940. (Roughly 2% less than your highest RPM reading). NOTE: ECM board tries to maintain RPM setting to plus or minus 2%
- Change AHM1 and any other high speed RPM settings to this new value. (Possible values to change: E1M1, E2M1). NOTE: E1M1 and E2M1 values will require EHPT turned off.
- Command speed to 100% or high speed and verify fan is reaching the new lower RPM setting.