Delivered VAV Control Control Panel III (CCP3) and parallel fan boxes with electric reheat
Delivered VAV CCP3. VAV boxes with parallel fans and electric reheat will not turn it's fan or reheat on when space temp is well below setpoint. Boxes are occupied and cooling only AHU is running normally. VAV dampers are closed.
Setup of the system needs adjustment (min air flows of boxes were at 0) but there is nothing in the way the CCP is setup that would cause this. There are no group applications in affect or diagnostics.  Change the min air flow setpoints and the dampers opened but did not turn on the fan or heat.
The VAV boxes have been sent a lockout command by the CCP3 to lockout the fan and reheat. This usually happens in Priority Shutdown. System was NOT in Priority Shutdown.
Take the Operator Display off the CCP which sent the system into Priority Shutdown and officially sent a lockout command to the VAV's. Wait for the AHU to send back status that the fan and operating mode was OFF (connected with Varitrac Software). Put the display back on which 'unlocked' the fan and reheat of the boxes . The system started working correctly, dampers opened, fans and reheats turned on.
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- Delivered VAV Control Control Panel III (CCP3) and parallel fan boxes with electric reheat
- VariTrac III Central Control Panel (CCP)
Original wave: case5032
Document Identifier: DOC-75773
Document Identifier: 75773