How to reset the VairTrac III CCP to Factory Defaults
Connect with Varitrac PC software and go to Setup in the main menu, select Panel Utilities in the drop-down menu, and Return to Factory Defaults.
(Use if no PC, cable connection, or CCP software application is available on the site.  On main logic board, depress the S2 (Service Pin) and simultaneously S1 (Code Reset) for about 30 seconds. This will force the CCP to factory defaults and it will rediscover the devices on the Comm4 link.
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- How to reset the VairTrac III CCP to Factory Defaults
- The VariTrac III CCP has information from a previous site. I want clear this site and discover a new site.
- The VariTrac III CCP has database from a previous site but was removed and from that site and connected to another RTU, communicating bypass assembly, and VAV boxes on a comm4 link.
- VariTrac III Central Control Panel (CCP)
Original wave: wave640
Document Identifier: DOC-78840
Document Identifier: 78840