What kind of RTUs are support with Tracker, Tracker II, CCP II and CCP III?
CCP II/ CCP III Changeover
RTU must be constant volume and only 2 stages of cooling.
CCP II directly communicates control of either stage 1 of cooling or both stages of cooling when in the RTU is in cool mode or through the binary output card.
Heating control works like cooling expect for controlling stages of heat.
This is why the CCP II/CCP III can’t control more than 2 stages of cooling as the communication data packet does not know about these extra stages of heating or cooling and the CCP binary output card only has contacts for 2 stages of heat or cooling.
CCP II/CCP III does not manipulate the RTU space temp setpt to being stages of heating or cooling like the current SC changeover system.
How a RTU with more than 2 stages of heating or cooling will respond is unknown as it has not been tested and unsupported but chances are it will only enable 2 out of the 3 stages.
Fan control is similar as the Comm4 data packet as it sends out 1 signal to turn on the fan.
The problem comes in is when the CCP II/CCP III goes through a calibration to find the reference static pressure setpt, the bypass damper is closed, the boxes are driven to the max flow position and the fan is turned on.
For units that have a multi-speed fan (ECM or staged)Â and the fan is commanded on without heating or cooling running, the RTU runs the fan at low speed and the reference static pressure setpt is found.
When the system is running heating or cooling is on, the fan runs at a higher speed on the multispeed fans.
The bypass is still using the static pressure setpt found when the fan is running at low speed and bypasses a bunch of air into the return of the RTU the duct static pressure setpt.
Now the bypass air is being reconditioned by the RTU again and can possibly cause supply air high temp trips or on a refrigerant low pressure cutout – Very bad for the RTU.
Multi-speed fans are not supported with changeover bypass systems.Â
See Workaround below for a possible solution.
CCP III Delivered VAV
Only the CCP III supports Delivered VAV.
Delivered VAV is CCP III talking comm4 to a Reliatel or Voyager VAV RTU that does duct static pressure control.
CCP III must have an operator display installed to make this application work.
Comm4 Ipaks are not supported
Symbio RTUs do not support a TCI comm4 card
EMTK Tracker
This is the older style Tracker that communicates to the controller on the isolated comm 3 link.
Isolated comm 3 data packet only supports single speed fans and 2 stages of heating or cooling Just like the comm 4 data packet
Clarksville would never install a TCI card into a Reliatel or Voyager that had a variable speed fan or more than 2 stages of heating or cooling.
Operation of RTUs with more than 2 stages or heating or cooling or multispeed fan is untested and unsupported.
Ipaks are not supported.
Symbio RTU do not support a isolated comm3 card.
Time to upgrade the system to support any of the newer higher efficient RTUs.
BMTK Tracker
This is the newer style Tracker that communicates to the controller on the lontalk link.
Lontalk does support variable speed fans for space comfort controllers but the BMTK will not install the controller into the database.
BMTK has a list a program IDs that it will install.
The RTUs with more than 2 stages of heating or cooling or multispeed fan have a program ID that the BMTK will not install.
BMTK has be obsolete and there is not development work being done to all the new program IDs
Ipaks are not supported.
Symbio RTU does support lontalk but the BMTK will not install due to the program ID
Time to upgrade the system to support any of the newer higher efficient RTUs.
It may be possible binary output card to the CCP to control some Symbio 700 Odyssey Units or non-Trane RTUs with constant volume fans
No guarantees that either of these cards are in stock any longer but here are the part numbers
CCP III BOP module - MOD01399
Thermostat wiring from the CCP panel to the RTU would also have to be added.
As designed