No varitrac image listed in the setup, panel utilities, panel software upgrade, proceed window
the images that show up in the window are in the bin directory
the varitrac image from SP2 and SP3 is VT3_4_200_338.img
C:\Program Files\Trane\Light Commercial V12\Tracker\Bin
C:\Program Files\Trane\Light Commercial V12\Varitrac\Bin
if the image is not in the bin directory, it will not be listed in the window
if SP has been installed the image should be in the bin directory and the bacup directory
C:\Program Files\Trane\Light Commercial V12\Tracker\Backup\Pre SP Backup
if the image is in the backup directory, copy it into the bin directory, then it will show up
if you cannot find the image, do a search of the hard drive
if you find the image, copy it into the bin directory
if you do not find the image, try reloading SP
if that does not work, reinstall Tracker or Varitrac software and the service pack
make sure the operating system is supported
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- no varitrac image listed in the setup, panel utilities, panel software upgrade, proceed window
- ccp firmware image files are not present for upgrade
- Tracker BMTK
- VariTrac III Central Control Panel (CCP)
Original wave: wave8587
Document Identifier: DOC-83287
Document Identifier: 83287