How to Back up a Tracker database
To back up the Tracker database use the Tracker Software.
Back up the Tracker database
The following procedure enables you to create a backup file containing all user-entered data. The file is specific to a Tracker system and its UCM population.
1. At the menu bar, click Setup. The Setup menu displays.
2. Click Panel Utilities. The Panel Utilities pane displays. The Panel Utilities panel displays on the right side of the Panel Utilities pane.
3. At BACKUP/RESTORE OPTIONS, click the Backup button. The Backup panel displays on the right side of the Panel Utilities pane. The Backup Name field contains the default name for the current backup. To change the name of the current backup, go to step 4; to back up the user-entered data, go to step 6
4. At the Backup Name field, highlight the text.
5. Type the new name.
   Note: The backup name is limited in length by the file system.
6. Click the Proceed button. The status bar at the lower left corner of the screen shows the progress of the operation. When the operation is complete, the Panel Utilities panel displays
  Note: The Previous Backups list displays the name of the new backup file.
7. At the toolbar, click the Home icon. The Home pane displays.
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- How to Back up a Tracker database
- Tracker BMTK
- Tracker Software
Original wave: wave11491
Document Identifier: DOC-85656
Document Identifier: 85656