Devices that can be used with a Tracker BMTK / CCPIII system
Summary: The Tracker system consists of a Tracker panel, a specific and limited set of controllers, and a communications link that connects the devices. Tracker is not an integration platform. It will not work with another vendors front end. It can not use another vendors devices. It will not talk to Summit.
Tracker/CCP communications wire: Tracker BMTK communicates to all devices Comm5, including CCPs if present. This is like any other comm5 link. The preferred wire is unshielded level 4 wire with 105 ohm termination resistors. The CCP has a second, internal communications link that include all its VAV zone controllers, its communicating bypass controller (change-over bypass only), and its air handler. This comm link is Comm4. The preferred wire is shielded, 18 ga, 23 picofarad/ft, Trane purple wire. The shield is grounded in one place only. Do not use unshielded wire on a Comm4 link. Do not mix wire types on any communications link. See WAVE 3541.
Devices that are never part of a Tracker/CCP system: ZN520/521, ZN510/511 (1H1C, no tracker model will discover ZN510/511 configured for 1H1C), MP501, MP580, AH540, VV550/551. An Intelipak can not be used with a Tracker, or as the AHU in a CCP system. No non-Trane devices are allowed.
Tracker WSHP: No Longer Supported. The Tracer Loop Controller is obsolete. Installing a Tracer SC is the replacement for the Tracker WSHP.Â
The Tracer Loop Controller is required. Up to 100 SCC controllers are supported. These can include ZN510/511 (must be configured as WSHP) and/or ZN524 controllers. Other SCC controllers can include constant volume Voyager/Precedent RTUs with LCI interface, and/or ZN517s. Up to 4 MP503s can be used. No other controllers are allowed.
Tracker models 12 and 24: The model 12 supports up to 12 SCCs, up to 5 CCP IIIs, and up to 4 MP503s. The model 24 supports up to 24 SCCs, up to 10 CCP IIIs, and up to 4 MP503s. Supported SCC controllers include ZN517 and constant volume Voyager/Precedent RTUs with LCI interface. WSHP controllers, ZN524 and ZN510/511 (WSHP configuration only) can be used but control of the water loop must be completely external to the Tracker.
VariTrac CCPIII: Each CCP controls a single zoned system consisting of a single air handler and up to either 24 (change-over bypass) or 32 (delivered VAV) UCM 4.2 Comm4 VAV controllers. A changeover bypass system also uses a single UCM 4.2 for control of the bypass damper. The CCP controls the air handler either with a TCI comm4 communications interface, or directly with an optional relay pack (change-over bypass only). All communications within the CCP system are Comm4.
The History of Tracker is delineated on page 14 of Tracker Application notesBAS-PRC010-EN.
Other Question/Problem/Cause Statements:
- How many devices can be put on Tracker system.
- Can Tracker use non-trane devices / controllers from other manufacturers?
- Can tracker be used for integration?
- Can Tracker be used with non-trane controllers?
- Will Tracker talk to Summit?
- Can a CCP use a VV550?
- What devices does the Tracker CCP system support?
- What type of UCM / UCMs can be used with Tracker?
- Tracker CCPIII system components.
- Some devices do not work with Tracker.
- Can not add a ZN510 Zn520 to a Tracker.
- Can ZN520 ZN521, ZN510 ZN511 (1H1C), MP501, MP580, AH540, VV550 VV551 be used with Tracker CCP system?
- How many devices can I connect to a Tracker BMTK? What UCMs does the Tracker support?
- How many CCP's can you connect to a Tracker panel?
- How many CCPIII's can you have with a Tracker panel?
- How many MP503's can you have with a Tracker panel?
- How many UCM's can you have with a Tracker panel?
- How many ccps can you put on a tracker?
- How many UCM's can you put on a tracker?
- How many MP503's can you put on a tracker?
- How many MP503 can I put on one Tracker?
- Is the BMTK Tracker compatible with a ZN520 controller?
- Can I put a ZN520 on a Tracker?
- Can the Tracker talk to an odyssey system with an LCI-R?
- Can other vendors LonTalk devices work with a Tracker system
- What devices can be connected to a Tracker system
- Can BMTK Tracker communicate to other vendors LON controllers?
- Can I integrate a third party LonWorks FTT-10a device into a Tracker system?
- Can tracker talk to non-Trane Lontalk devices
- Table of what Tracker units talk to what UCMs.
- Tracker product catalog
- Document: BAS-PRC010-EN
- What is the SCC loading for BMTK Tracker?
- How many VAV's can CCP III handle?
- Can Tracker CV work with ZN510/511?
- Can I connect a ZN510 to a Tracker?
- Can I use a ZN520 with Tracker
- Can IPAK be used with a tracker system
- Tracker BMTK
- VariTrac III Central Control Panel (CCP)
Additional Technical Support Only Information
Original wave: wave58645
Document Identifier: DOC-99654
Document Identifier: 99654